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Solving the Content Design Puzzle Webinar

Untethered Webinar Series graphic with two people putting together puzzle piecesThe future of events is uncertain. It's a phrase you've heard over and over again. You've likely internalized it and feel it every day as you think about your own event. Will the content you chose for a planned in-person event work for a virtual audience. What about a hybrid one? And is this content even valuable to your attendees? To help you answer these questions and solve this content design puzzle, we've brought on two event marketing mavens.

Dahlia El Gazzar and Rachel Stephan have led the way in event innovation and are names you are likely very familiar with. In the upcoming Untethered webinar Solving the Content Design Puzzle: How to design the right content for your event, they will show you how to design content for different types of events, discussing everything from format, audience, how things change from live to digital, how to monetize and how to prolong the shelf-life of your content. Yah, that's a lot. But there's a lot to learn this year as we forge ahead in remaking the events industry.... again.

As you are reading this, I hope you aren't getting a bunch of doom and gloom vibes, because that's not how we see the future of events at all. While the future is uncertain, we have seen a wave of new innovations, new strategies, and new opportunities to increase the value of events. In particular, there's a multitude of creative ways to extend the event lifecycle after the "doors" close that have popped up in the last year. Here's one idea that Lawrence Coburn of twine shared at the Design-a-thon: even before the pandemic, we were all virtual attendees before and after the event, with just part of the event being in-person. So what this last year has done for the industry is explore new ways to engage our our virtual audiences and get the most out of this pre and post-event periods where we're all virtual. We've built a virtual foundation to expand the event experience and expand the event value.

This is just one of the things that Dahlia and Rachel will explore in their discussion. You can watch the full session by clicking play below!


Presented by:

Dahlia El Gazzar Headshot CircleDahlia El Gazzar

Idea Igniteur + Tech Therapist



Rachel Stephan Headshot CircleRachel Stephan


snöball event influencer marketing


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