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The Big Event Tech Debate, Pt. 2: What You May Not Know About All-in-One Event Tech

By Hubb on Apr 26, 2017 / Category: Event Technology, / Best-in-Breed / 0 Comments / Tags: Event Technology, Best-in-Breed


One of the most famous scenes in cinema—you've undoubtedly seen it—comes from the second Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke Skywalker finds out Darth Vader is his father. This dirty secret, previously unknown, turns the whole trilogy upside down, and nothing is the same for Luke or Star Wars.

Well, brace yourself. There is a similar dirty secret that redefines the entire best-in-breed vs. all-in-one debate: all-in-one event technology solutions are a myth; there has never been a purpose-built all-in-one event technology solution.

What the debate really centers around is event technology solutions you create from separate best-in-breed tools that meet your specific needs (the best-in-breed tools we've been talking about) and event technology solutions also created from disparate tools but compiled without your input and for which the quality of each tool is secondary to the tool existing for the sake of claiming comprehensiveness (all-in-ones).

[now would be a good time to play Darth Vader's theme music]

Let's unpack that last paragraph, because it's essential for understanding whether a best-in-breed or all-in-one tool will perform best for your event.

All-in-one event technology solutions aren't born, they evolve. Every all-in-one began as a best-in-breed tool focused on doing on thing. To gain an advantage against competitors, these tools began adding tools with the goal of creating a comprehensive solution (we’d call this “going to the dark side,” but we’re probably biased). Some of these additional tools were added via acquiring other companies. Others were built in-house, and others still were created by grabbing open-source code from online.

The different origins of these tools results in the quality of each varying considerably and, because they were not purpose-built but rather assembled from different sources and created with different technologies, they don't integrate as well as you'd expect, or as well as you'd find in tools designed to integrate (best-in-breed tools). Cobbled together from many different sources, these all-in-one tools are the Frankenstein's Monster of event technology.

So, the debate is not about comprehensiveness, but about who can build the best solution for your event: you or an all-in-one company.


Best-in-breed and all-in-one tools present other opposing attributes. Here are some of the continuums on which you can assess them:

Greater Flexibility / Better Integrations (Best-in-Breed) versus Less Flexibility / Fewer Integrations (All-in-One)

Best-in-breed tools are designed to easily integrate with other tools and services.

Want to connect your event content management platform with your marketing automation system, or that kickass new mobile app? Do you want your membership tool to pass data into your speaker management tool? None of that will be difficult. Because best-in-breed tools are built around APIs and are designed for plug-and-play connectivity. In other words, they snap together like Legos.

All-in-one tools take an opposite approach. They focus on building an entire ecosystem under their control. They want you to stay within their ecosystem, so they're going to discourage you from using anything not sold by them. Because of this, integrations will not be a focus (and are frequently impossible). If you want to take your data out of their system, it will likely be as a .csv Excel file (if you can get it out at all). From a business point-of-view, this makes sense for an all-in-one. But it doesn't help you as an event manager, or benefit your events.

Lower Cost (Best-in-Breed) versus Higher Cost (All-in-One)

Believe it or not, compiling an event tech solution from best-in-breed tools is usually less expensive than purchasing an all-in-one solution. Why? The same reason your cable TV bill is so high—you're being forced to pay for a lot of channels (or in this case, event tech tools) that you likely don't need

More vendors (Best-in-Breed) versus Less Vendors (All-in-One)

By definition, you're going to have less vendors with an all-in-one solution. For those who like to have "one throat to choke," this is preferable. However, because best-in-breed tools tend to work better, there is usually less need to "choke a throat" with them.

More Knowledgeable Support (Best-in-Breed) versus Less Knowledgeable Support (All-in-One)

This may seem counterintuitive but in our experience, you receive better support with best-in-breed tools. Why? Because all-in-ones are so vast and sprawling, containing different modules built with different technologies, it's rare to find somebody who knows the entire platform well. Focused best-in-breed tools are much more manageable in size, and support teams tend to know these tools inside and out.

High quality (Best-in-Breed) versus Inconsistent quality (All-in-One)

Finally, as we've discussed, best-in-breed tools focus on doing one thing exceptionally well. All-in-ones often have some high-quality modules (usually their original focus) but the others are lacking. For example, the proto-typical all-in-one is Cvent, and they’re strong with registration, which is where their business originated many years ago. But their other modules (and there is more than a dozen of them) vary considerably.


Some events do benefit from using an all-in-one event technology provider. Generally smaller events with simple needs that aren't going to demand too much from their event technology, and for whom the convenience of an all-in-one offsets the potential cost-savings and better quality tools they'd find from best-in-breed tools.

But for nearly everybody else, a best-in-breed solution will help you save money, will result in less headaches, will give you more flexibility and adaptability and help you better manage your events. It’s why we used best-in-breed tools when we manage events, it’s why we built a best-in-breed tool, and it’s why you’d likely benefit from opting for best-in-breed tools.

Want to see what a best-in-breed event tech tool can do? Let us show you Hubb

Demo Hubb's Best-in-Breed Event Tech!

 Read Part 1 of our two part series on the Best-in-Breed vs All-in-One debate

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