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Allie Explains It All, Episode 3: The Importance of Prioritization


Allie Magyar returns for another episode of Allie Explains It All! In this episode, Allie, a 15+ year events industry veteran and founder / CEO of Hubb, talks about the importance of prioritization for event managers, how to identify and focus on your most important work, and how to advance your career as an event manager.

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Here are four key takeaways from the third episode of Allie Explains It All.

Quality not quantity
As event managers, we have a ton of work on our plates. We're less effective when we focus on checking off tasks just to get them done without thinking about how much (or little) impact the work will actually have.

Not all work has the same value
Not everything you do as an event manager has the same value. Some things need to get done, but they don't help you, your event or your organization much. Other things will have an enormous impact. As an event manager, find ways to delegate or automate that low value work that takes up your time but don't have much of an impact, freeing you to focus on the work that will make a difference.

Ask questions
Be the one with all the questions! Talk to your leadership team and a wide variety of business units to gain a full picture of your organization's situation. Ask for goals, objectives and strategies so you can gain that understanding you need to be able to seperate low and high value tasks.

Learn To Prioritize To Get Ahead In Your Career
As you learn to prioritize, you become a lot more valuable to your organization.  Anyone can point to a checklist of work completed, but you'll get ahead when you can go to your boss and show how you enabled the company to succeed through your work.

Watch the five-minute video for additional and expanded insights and be sure to check back soon for the next episode of Allie Explains It All. Miss episode two? Watch it here. Have a question you'd like to see answered in a future episode? Leave it in the comments and you might see Allie address it in a future episode!

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