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A Better Way to Manage Conference Staff


Here's a tale of staffing at two conferences.

At the first event, staffing management is done how it's been done for the past two decades; with emails and spreadsheets (and occasional desperate phone calls and texts).

Are people where they need to be at the right time? It's hard to tell but considering how chaotic the system is, there’s bound to be mishaps.

Do staffers know where they need to be? Hopefully....

Are staffers double booked? They might be, it's hard to tell.

Do last minute changes threaten to bring the whole house of cards crashing down? Very possibly.

Can your attendees search for subject matter experts, see where they are in real-time, and schedule a time to meet? You're joking, right?

Is there a single place for attendees to book meetings with experts or other attendees, both virtually or in-person? Doubtful.

All of this should sound familiar. Until now, this was the only way to manage the staffing at conferences. But keep reading—the world of staffing management is about to turn from black-and-white into full technicolor.

At the second conference, things are different; they use Hubb's Staffing Scheduler.

The planners organized their workgroups, determined where people needed to be on the actual floor map of their venue, and then used the schedule builder to quickly and easily schedule staffers based on workgroup, expertise or other criteria. Automatic conflict notifications means people won't get double-booked. Finding a pool of staffers was a snap; they used a Hubb Call for Staff submission site.

Staffers were notified via email to see their schedules, which they downloaded to their calendars. They can see on an actual floor map where they're supposed to be, and when.

The attendees are loving the second conference. Using the integrated Hubb mobile app, they can search for experts by subject matter expertise. They can even book time with the experts, all from their phones.


Staffing at the first conference is chaotic, error-prone, and stressful. Staffing at the second conference is a breeze; people are where they need to be when they need to be there. The organizers spend far less time worrying about staffing, or putting out staffing related fires. And the attendee experience is seamless whether they're onsite or accessing the digital experience remotely.

What could Hubb's Staffing Scheduler do for YOUR event?  


Scheduling and managing staff for your event presents many challenges. We've created a Conference Staffing Cheat Sheet with 12 essential questions you need to answer to ensure you have the right people at the right place at the right time. Get it via the button below.

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